Professional Goals

When you consider your professional goals, it's important to push to the side what your author friends are aiming for or have achieved and focus on what you want. Now is not the time for comparison.

And the biggest part of this is being honest with yourself. Easy, right?

This is where I snicker a little and maybe shake my head too as sometimes thinking, let alone saying, or writing down what you really want can feel like a huge deal.

And it is. But once it's out there, that's when the fun can begin and you can evaluate what you're going to do so you can achieve your goals.

So, why are goals important? Simply put, goals can enable your success. Yes, there's a multitude of additional reasons, but your success is paramount.

The wonderful aspect about goal setting is there are no right or wrong answers. Every response is your own, but what I really want for you to do is take ownership of them. What I don't want is for you to be embarrassed or to fear them.


Tools of the Trade

